United Paizo Workers, a union representing the creators of the popular Pathfinder and Starfinder roleplaying games, met with Joe Biden this week.
For the first time in history, the goblins and skittermanders of Paizo's Pathfinder and Starfinder games made their way into the White Hou
The skies darken overhead, as rumors of the Black Dragon Emperor and his royal retinue of merciless marauders reaches even the commoner in his small village. Elsewhere, the noble men of Dale take up arms and incredible weaponry in their fight against evil. All throughout Middle-Earth, a great
Jessica Ma/The Daily Northwestern
At Evanston Games and Cafe, participants play Dungeons and Dragons with drinks and snacks.
On Tuesdays, Library Assistant Morgan Patten leaves the real world for a few hours to become Chime, a charismatic kenku warlock. Chime is her character in
When Karen Ackland came up with the theme for The McCallum Theatre Muses' annual on-stage birthday luncheon last summer, she was being extraordinarily optimistic. The chair of the event determined that the luncheon would celebrate "joie de vivre," a French term meaning "joy of living." She the
The spacefaring Dungeons and Dragons setting Spelljammer is home to some of the most interesting and unique creatures in the game's history.
First published in 1989 for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Spelljammer is one of the most unique D&D settings of all time. It combined t
Venturing into a dungeon has a new twist while going on an Adventure is still cool.
A total of four Magic: The Gathering mechanics will get showcased in the Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur’s Gate set, of which two are new.
The Commander Legends sets are designed
ZEELAND — A student from Zeeland will have their artwork displayed at the U.S. Capitol building after winning a Congressional Art Competition.
Biruk Kwantes, a student at Zeeland East High School, was announced as the winner Tuesday evening, May 10, by Congressman Bill Huizenga.
Achieving an experience similar to tabletop games such as Dungeons & Dragons in a video game is tricky, but the Wildermyth manages to get it right.
With the popularity of tabletop role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons increasing and more players joining traditional pen-and-pa
The 1986 teen classic "Pretty in Pink" does not fade with age. It only grows more colorful with repeated viewings and keeps unearthing new fans from one generation to the next. The John Hughes written film, directed by first-timer Howard Deutch, hit #1 at the box office, produced one of the be
The Sylvaneth and the Skaven, two armies in the world of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar that are truly iconic, and couldn't be more different from one another. The Sylvaneth, those tree-like creatures of Order who cherish the natural world above all else, strike ferociously with well-aimed shots a