Apple’s $4.7B in Green Bonds support innovative green technology
The company plans to use the world’s first commercial-purity low-carbon aluminum from ELYSIS in the iPhone SE
Investments from Apple’s $4.7 billion in Green Bonds have helped jump-start the development of new l
Native Instruments’ music production softwares, MASCHINE hardware, Traktor DJ equipment, and the KOMPLETE instruments & effects belong to the top tier within the music scene. Besides their newest instruments; Prime Bass, Lunar Echoes, and Stradivari Cello, they announced the 4th addi
Lucky Dice offer you better loot, and there are 15 to be found in the Sunfang Oasis.
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands follows the lead of its predecessors, the Borderlands games, as a "looter-shooter" - an FPS game focused on getting tons and tons of loot, if that wasn't obvious
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is now available and is every bit as addictive, exciting and entertaining as you’d hope. In our review, we wrote that Wonderlands is “is a love letter to pen & paper RPGs…with guns.” It’s got magic, dragons and a whooooole lot of guns
Here's all of the locations for the Lucky Dice in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands' Queen's Gate area.
It's no surprise that Gearbox Software wanted to go big with its latest spin-off of the Borderlands franchise Tiny Tina's Wonderlands since it introduced a bunch of new gameplay elements
The latest dice set for Dungeons & Dragons contains some useful tools required to begin your Icewind Dale adventure. The Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Dice and Miscellany features dice, exclusive campaign information, maps, and more that is sure to bring a smile to any D&D fan�
It's Nice That Podcast
“Fans don’t make corporate logos; they make zines”; Dice ECD Patrick Duffy on leaning into DIY aesthetics for the project.
Relatively hot off the heels of its last rebrand in 2019, event discovery and ticketing platform Dice has just launched anoth
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Looking to find Lucky Dice in Mount Craw? Here's a handy list of locations.
Despite having big shoes to fill, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands has shown the gaming community that it could live up to the Borderlands series and more as it introduced dozens of new features. One of the most notab
The most amazing thing about today’s Nice Price or No Dice custom VW trike is the seller’s claim of having put 10K on it in its present, Frankensteinian state. Let’s see if this very personal automotive statement can still find broad appeal at its current price.
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