With teenagers becoming more and more focused on games (and building impressive settings in their rooms), and people working and studying from home for the past year and a half, ergonomic chairs have recently become popular here. Since the beginning of 2020, I have collected more and more gaming
Hai mai provato ad acquistare un Dice Set D&D perfetto? Se sì, sarei ben consapevole della durezza di questo compito scoraggiante. Diventa abbastanza difficile trovare il migliore soprattutto quando abbiamo così tante opzioni disponibili. Sai qual è la parte peggiore di questa situazione?
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Most people I know have at least one set of role-playing dice, if not multiple sets of dice of different colors and materials. You can use magic to increase your chances when you roll dice, but they are more useful tha
I have been looking for game aids to help me as a DM for my weekly D&D game, and the folks at Arcknight have just finished my week. The small flat rate USPS Priority Mail carton is the flat plastic micro core set described by Arcknight. 310 micro plastics are printed on both sides and 40 lase
I completed the 1.0 version of my Prince Ashitaka (from Princess Mononoke) role play in time for Emerald City Comicon. I discussed it in several previous ongoing articles (here and here). Now that I have shown the completed cosplay on ECCC, I will share all the final build details, some lessons l
Role-playing tabletop game players are always seeking to improve their gaming experience. 4Bot-Industries provides a variety of silicone molds to make 3D games more affordable and fun.
As a GeekDad returning to RPG games, I am looking for options that I can use. There are basic mats made of
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Jon Peterson is the author of Playing at the World, widely regarded as the authoritative history of
You can get any random halo board game, but if you are looking for expert advice to choose the game that best suits your needs, then you have come to the right place.
It doesn't matter what your halo board game needs or your budget, because I have conducted an in-depth analysis to include t
Occasions like Valentine's Day and birthdays are a perfect opportunity to show what someone means to you with a special and thoughtful gift. So why not pick up one of the following D&D gifts and show it to someone you really care about?
Whether it is a dungeon master, a veteran player i
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Sebastian Anthony-August 29, 2016 at 12:37 PM UTC
We've all been there: you're in a role-playing group in a local game store, and the noisy idiot on your right-he is playing some kind of half-dragon, triple-multi-professional role-pri