• Best Fantasy Board Games

    by admin on 2022-05-21 21:54:52

    These tabletop games whisk players to a fantasy world filled with intrigue, danger, and creativity.

    Who doesn’t love a good fantasy-themed anything? With the rise of fantasy TV shows and being a staple favorite genre in video gaming, the category is more popular than ever. It&rsquo

  • DnD 5e: The Strongest Open Sea Paladin Build

    by admin on 2022-05-21 21:54:50

    Wage battle with the destructive force of a tsunami as an Oath of the Open Sea Paladin from Critical Role's Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition content.

    When playing Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, players often want to embrace the call of the sea. Several settings and adventures show

  • D&D: 10 Magic Items Players Should Avoid

    by admin on 2022-05-21 21:54:49

    While you might be the curious type, there are some magic items in D&D that you should be wary of.

    Dungeons & Dragons players desire many things out of a good adventure. Terrifying villains, exciting exploits, and an interesting setting to explore are all important elements of such a

  • Athol Daily News - Beals Con coming to the Winchendon Public Library

    by admin on 2022-05-21 21:54:35

    Beals Con Co-chairs Kayla Charlonne and Alexis Chanthachack, and the Winchendon Library's mascot, Hardcover the library dragon, invite everyone to come to Beals Con on Saturday, June 4, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Contributed photo

    Who’s the heroic dragon in the mask and cape, saving

  • Battlefield 2042 Beta Problems: Team Identification Is Biggest Issue

    by admin on 2022-05-21 21:54:32

    Battlefield 2042's beta suffers from a fundamental difficulty in identifying teammates, largely due to the design of the limited Specialists.

    The Battlefield 2042 open beta has given players a preview of the game roughly a month before launch. A swath of technical issues from the incom

  • All weapon rarities in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, explained - Dot Esports

    by admin on 2022-05-21 21:54:30

    Some gear is just special.

    For a game that takes so much influence from the iconic Dungeons and Dragons tabletop RPG, it should come as no surprise that the newly released Borderlands title, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, features an avalanche of loot for players to acquire.


  • Best Board Games for iOS and iPhone of 2022 May - Bollyinside

    by admin on 2022-05-21 21:54:28

    This list is about the Best Board Games for iOS and iPhone. We will try our best so that you understand this list Best Board Games for iOS and iPhone. I hope you like this list Best Board Games for iOS and iPhone. So lets begin:

    Here is the list of the best board games for iOS and

  • 'Cuphead Fast Rolling Dice Game' Brings the Excitement to Your Game Table - GeekDad

    by admin on 2022-05-21 21:54:10

    Cuphead, for those uninitiated, as a fast-paced video game with ’30s-style cartoon graphics that is fast-paced, fun … and seemingly impossible to beat. Now, every aspect of that game, from the art style, to the pacing, to the difficulty, can be played on your tabletop. 

  • Battlefield 2042 Killed My Favorite Game Mode, Which Sucks

    by admin on 2022-05-21 21:54:05

    As Battlefield 2042 continues to languish somewhere in the hell between “failed launch” and “whatever comes next,” developers DICE are making minor tweaks to the game in order to keep things running smoothly. Though I can’t say I’m the biggest fan of their latest effort.


  • As GameFi Market Crashes, Blockchain Gamers Remain True Believers

    by admin on 2022-05-21 21:54:01

    Prices of blockchain gamer projects have tanked in recent days, but investors like the long term ... [+] outlook for this segment of the cryptocurrency market.

    If there is one thing that can be said for anything remotely connected to the internet and a computer screen it’s that if it